Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rhetorical Analysis Assesment

1.For this assignment we were supposed to find a political cartoon or an advertisement and analyze them using our knowledge on rhetoric. We were descriptively supposed to describe the cartoon or ad and give our thoughts as to why the artist chose to depict what they did and how they did it.
2.The main point of my paper is the correlation between high oil prices and the inflation of food prices and the threat that it is creating for people.
3.The main audience for my paper is my teacher, but also anyone else who is interested in reading it. I have taken this into consideration in that I have used a formal style of writing to present my paper in a sophisticated way.
4.In my essay I tried to organize the paragraphs in a way that was clear and represented my message the best. I discussed the points that I thought were most important towards the beginning and the ones that I felt had less importance at the end. I took this into consideration because I feel it would be more capturing for audience if points which provided the most interest came first.
7.The process for writing this paper was overall easy. I began writing it one night and was able to get a little over half of it done, I then came back to it the next day and was able to almost completely finish it. After the revision I wrote my conclusion which was probably the hardest part for me, though I don't know why, I just didn't know how to clearly and without being to wordy rewrite my main points. I had fun dissecting the political cartoon, looking for all of the things that connected back to my thesis. By studying the cartoon so thoroughly I was able to pick out every last detail that I thought possible, and I enjoyed doing this.

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